Tuesday, October 11, 2005

ETC: Why?

God spoke to Moses through a burning bush. Satan spoke to Eve through a serpent. Someone or something is trying to communicate with me, but he/she/it has chosen a different medium, as I discovered when I looked into the sink recently.

Good question.


Tina said...

I hate to ask...but...um...what are we looking at, exactly?

Tammy said...

Heh. The gods are speaking to me through the power of Alphagetti. Because the gods are, apparently, both economical and in a rush, they've chosen to ask me "Y?" instead of "Why?"

Anonymous said...

I would have guessed Alpha-Bits. Has Alpha-Getti gotten bigger?

Tina said...

AH. Got it. Wow, I actually thought some sort of strange hydra-type creature had found its way up through the plumbing into your kitchen sink.