It's a varied collection, combining the beautiful with the retro with the bizarre, organized into several categories. Not surprisingly I gravitated toward the children's stories. I'm glad I did. If it weren't for Rothman's site, I never would have known that Toni Morrison wrote a kids' story called The Big Box -- "about three children who have to live in a big brown box with a door with three locks because the adults think they 'can't handle their freedom'." -- which I think I may have to pick up.

I also wouldn't have learned that J.Otto Seibold, author of the modern classic Olive the Other Reindeer, has written a gorgeously twisted-looking pop-up version of Alice in Wonderland. Also now on my must-get list, especially now that I've tested Sam with other pop-up books and so far he's shown no propensity to tear out every protruding page element.

And finally, if I hadn't visited Rothman's site, I never would have seen this illustration from the book The Lollypop Factory. Finally, we get to see where Millhouse's dad works!

That cool Alice in Wonderland book is on sale for super cheap ($5.99, I think?) at Chapters/Coles/etc stores. I work at the Book Company at the Oakridge Centre, and we have a few left--other stores probably do to.
(Love your blog, by the way...)
That picture of Alice scars me a little.
I meant to say "scare" but scars will do too.
The Toni Morrison story originally appeared in Stories for Free Children, the original story column in Ms. Magazine. I have the best-of collection, and I remember that one well, though at the age of seven I certainly didn't know who Toni Morrison was! The collection (also called Stories for Free Children) is an amazing compendium of kid's stories and poems; you should see if you can get it used for Sam!
The Big Box is a terrific book.
Ditto to everyone who has said the story about the big Brown Box is a good one. I also have the 'Stories for Free Children' compliation, and I remember being very thoughtful about that story.
Doppelganger, have you seen the incredible Robert Sabuda pop-up books? He has an Alice in Wonderland, a Wonderful Wizard of Oz, and various others including one about dinosaurs. The most fabulous pop-up construction ever, bar none.
The Big Box is great, as is her other kids' book, Mean People. As far as pop-up books go, I'm jealous. The Potato is still into tearing them apart.
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