I'd get one for Sam, but first they'll have to come up with a single word for "obsessed with excavators to the point that they're the first thing one talks about upon waking up, and one would happily marinade in one's own poopy diaper for hours rather than be dragged away from one's toy heavy equipment, kicking and screaming, to have said poopy diaper changed."
[via Poppytalk]
that's fabulous. I wish they had one that said 'odiferous' - maybe they do, i am off to look.
ok, i MUST order the 'supine' one for #4. but i think they really need an 'odiferous' one.
Those are AWESOME! Thanks, they made my day!
Doppelganger: I believe the word you are looking for is obstreperous, or, perhaps, male.
1. I hope you have this book:
I don't know how many copies of it Pete went through.
2. Trucks and Mama, that's all there is to life for a little boy:
Why I am a bad person, volume 87: So I work in a NICU, where we sometimes see the bad, bad results of parents who are, um, related having babies. And yet the onesie that says "consanguinous" just made me laugh my exhausted post-night-shift tushie off, and I sort of want to get a bunch of them to dress the babies in. Good thing I'm broke.
Ooh this is too fabulous! My daughter's name is Blythe, and they have "blithesome". It's probably the only item she'll ever own with (almost) her name on it.
Fantastic! You made my day!
Ha! Nicole, that's perfect!
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