So, What Did You Do for the Long Weekend?
Me? I went and had a baby. This one, to be specific:
Say howdy to William Falco. Feel free to call him Will. Some of you may be wondering if there's some deep literary significance to either of his given names, like his elder bro's. Literature is stuffed to the gills with Williams, of course... Shakespeare, Thackeray, Carlos Williams. I like those guys a lot, but I think that, deep down, I just like the fact that Will's name is both a verb and a noun. Though, given how hard I had to fight with myself not to title this post something like "Where There's a Will, There's a Way!" he may not thank me for this later.
As for Falco, that was the name of Rusty's grandfather, who brought his family from Italy to the New Country on a steamship at the turn of the century. A bit of an adventurer, which merits a naming, I think. Plus, if you think I'm missing out on a legitimate opportunity to name one of my offspring Falco, then you don't realize what a child of the '80s I truly am.
Posting has been sporadic lately, but now that I've got lots of free time for one-handed typing (whoa! deja vu!), you can expect to see a lot more of me 'round these parts.
And a happy day to you.
Aww, congratulations to all of you, and welcome, Will!
(Also, can I say how happy it makes me that you named Sam after Samuel Hamilton and Atticus Finch? Very happy.)
Congratulations on the new tyke - I've been waiting for the big announcement!
Welcome, Will, and mazel tov to the whole family! And can I just say that that may very well be the greatest baby photo in all of history (and I'm including my own kids here)?! What an expression! What does big bro Sam think of all this?
Congratulations! He's adorable.
oh, yay! he's beautiful. hope you are feeling well (you sound like you are...)
I was thinking of you just today while wandering around borders...saw some great new picture books and thought of you and liz (Quiet in the Stacks), whose baby is on its way soon as well...
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaay! That is a gorgeous baby. Congratulations!
Oooh! What a handsome boy you have. I love his name! Congratulations.
Just when I thought you were getting totally slack about posting...!
CONGRATULATIONS! He is absolutely gorgeous.
I have a really hard time vizualizing the fact that our bellies carry actual babies - not just lumps that push and poke our ribs and cervix at all hours of the day and night... So, seeing what Will actually looks like is a great reminder!
William Falco is an excellent name, too! What a lucky kid.
Welcome to Will! Way to go, Doppelganger!
Congratulations! He's so cute, and looks so alert for a newborn. Welcome, Will!
Congratulations - I've been checking in waiting for the news and now it, and Will, have arrived!
Rock me Amadeus
Congratulations! But it's time to be honest--that business about Rusty's grandfather is just a convenient lie. It's time to admit that this child's real mother is Edie Falco of Sopranos fame.
Hooray! Congratulations!!
Hooray! Congratulations, Doppelganger! He is BEAUTIFUL and has such an expressive face!
Aww, what a cutie! Congratulations
Congratulations! And welcome to the world, Will.
Aw, such a sweet wee face.
A baaaaaby!
I'm very happy for you! He's wonderful.
Congrats! That is great news, and a great-looking baby!
William Falco is a truly excellent name.
I am going to be singing "R-R-R-Rock me Amadeus" all day now. Whoohoo!
And he's a good one!!!
Congrats! So glad to hear it.. :-)
How wonderful, how beautiful - congratulations! Can't wait to hear about Sam's thoughts on being a big brother.
Congratulations! He's beautiful!
Geeze, was this picture taken by a professional photographer and, if so, can he make ME look this cute?!!
He's beautiful! I hope you are all settling in nicely. Congratulations!
(Speaking of Shakespeare, there is Sonnet 135 ( whose puns on the name will and its associated slang meanings I'm pretty sure you won't want your Will reading about until he's oh, 35.)
---- Diablevert, whom google hates today
He is gorgeous! Congratulations to the whole clan.
Since you have so much time, let's revive the Bored Housewives Network! Maybe with a birth story. I love me a good birth story.
Congrats!!! He looks so thoughtful :)
what a beautiful photo, congrads!
Ooh - congratulations! What a cutie pie!
Congratulations! He looks gorgeous! I just had my son two weeks ago as well :)
One more congratualtions to the pile - this one from Miami!
Yay! Congrats to all involved.
Oh, he's gorgeous.
He looks worryingly thoughtful, though. Let's hope he's not as mercurial as his older brother was...
A friend of mine recommended your blog to me over the weekend and I've enjoyed reading your older posts. I also reviewed books on my blog a couple of years ago (my goal was 60 in a year) and in January had a second child.
Congratulations to you and welcome Will. I'm looking forward to keeping up with your posts. New babies are so great. :) Best of luck to you!
Congratulations!! What a little cutie!
Wow, congratulations. Gorgeous baby - look at those eyes!
Wow, that's amazing! What a beautiful, awesome little person! And you're such a cool lady; I'm happy for your children. :)
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