Happy Whatevermas!
Is it possible to delurk from your own site? If so, hi! This is me, delurking to wish you and yours a belated happy whatevermas. I come bearing pictures! Specifically, pictures of what's turned me into a skulking, shadowy, and (dare I dream?) somewhat menacing presence at 50 Books HQ:

Wee Will is not quite so wee, having recently passed the nine-month mark and long passed the 20-lb mark. He's added standing and raspberry-blowing to his list of accomplishments. Frankly, I'm impressed that he's found time to master these skills, what with all the energy he's been devoting to practicing for the Olympic Speed-Teething Team.
And Sam is officially in big brother mode. Also: Big Brother mode. I finally get where Orwell got that particular turn of phrase. Is it wrong that we've nicknamed our own child Sammy the Rat? For whatever it's worth, we don't say it to his face.
They're sweet and funny and ever-so-cute, but they're also CRAZY. As I said to a friend who is contemplating having another baby: "If you find yourself with a bit of free time on your hands from time to time, I highly recommend a second child."
But enough about me. What about you?
How is it possible that your children still have cheeks? I think I would have nommed them completely off by now.
I'm so glad you're back! (Not that you know me; I stumbled on your blog recently and was hoping for more.)
I've got a speed-teething, raspberry-blowing nine-month-old of my own, whom yours rivals in adorable cuteness.
How far apart are your two? My nine-month-old is a surprise gift seven years after #3, but #2 and #3 are 19 months apart and THAT was intense in the early years. To put a positive spin on it ;).
They are both adorable! In fact, they are edible.
I feel you--I didn't come up for air until the first year was over. Now the kids can play together and amuse each other while I grab five minutes for myself. Things will settle down eventually!
Just wanted to pass on a small tribute in that this is the third year I've taken it upon myself to do the fifty books challenge inspired by your blog. Hit the big 50 again in 2008 - it really is the perfect number!
Predictably I also blogged about it, so if you have a moment: http://interwebscrapbook.blogspot.com/
But I really just wanted to say that I've been a huge fan of your blog, and keep up the good work on and offline - enjoy your gorgeous kids in the new year!
Oh, enough with the children--what about the books!
Seriously, they are super-cute. And I love Sammy the Rat. That is a great name for a not-so-great phenomenon.
ya.. ya.. happy whatvermas!!~ =)
Hey great blog you have here, and excellent lists. Loved the post about Vonnegut back in the day. We miss him as well
oh, your children are so cute!
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