(Congratulations! If you clicked on the link above before reading further, you have arrived. You are a true book nerd. Your membership card and secret decoder ring will be arriving in the mail in 4-6 weeks.)
One thing I noticed after scanning through a few pages of thumbnails: when you look at photos of books en masse, it's not unlike flipping through a pornographic magazine really quickly. Your senses are flooded by a tidal wave of a single colour palette (though books tend to fall into the grey-blue area of the spectrum, while porn tends to be more on the, er, "peachy" side), and there's a strange rush coupled with a kind of Zen peace that comes from being inundated by an almost kaleidoscopic barrage of repeating images.
No, I'm not high right now. I swear.
Speaking of which, I haven't even begun to view all 1500+ pictures, but of the ones I've seen so far, this (uploaded by a member called etara) is definitely my favourite:

I don't know where this picture was taken, and there's no information on the page. When I tried to do a search, the keywords "big-ass spiral tower thingy of books" didn't yield results, strangely enough. If anyone could enlighten me before this drives me NUTS, I'd appreciate it.
I think someone had a mirror on their ceiling, laid another mirror on the floor, built a spiral tower of books, leaned in and took a picture. Or it's a Photoshop job.
I like puzzles!
It looks like something out of a Jasper Fforde novel... which, awesome.
It was taken at the Prague Public Library - not that I have been there. If it still exists it is definitely on my list of places to see now, due to this photo. :)
Likalia - thanks for the info! I did a google image search on Prague public library and found all kinds of cool pictures. Now I want to go there too!
I've just joined the group - as if I need another reason to love my books!
And I spent the evening alphabetizing. Bliss!
That is totally cool.
When I saw books that I have (not the really common ones, but the older, kinda hard to find ones), and I saw them flash past on the slide show I thought to myself, "OH MY GOD! That's MY BOOK!" Like, the same way someone might say, "Oh my God, that's Brad Pitt!"
It's different-the pic I mean. :)
I love it. Waiting anxiously for decoder ring.
Actually, I have to say that I thought of you yesterday after a couple of margaritas...
It turned out that the crazy-haired guy at the table next to us was T.C. Boyle and I kept saying to my friend, "I know that guy....its... its...OHMYGAHHHD its TC Boyle!" in a fierce margie-whisper.
Then I remarked how sad I was that there was no one I could call and squeal to excitedly that I was at happy hour with a real writer - which is when I thought of you.
So... that's my story. Cheers!
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