I'm also sweetening the pot in my own small way. If you make a donation to Dewey (or if you already have), just post about it in the comments section of this entry. After the Dewey Drive is over, I'll do a draw of all the comments and I'll give each of ten random commenters a fine mystery offering from the boxes of books that still clutter my front hallway. Give a book, get a book. That's a pretty sweet deal, if I say so myself.
So... ready, set... well, you know.
Okay, I'm a little bit over excited but anyway! (I never got to do one of these bookdrives before, but it's my birthday and hey, I get to spend money around my birthday, right? Absolutely.)
Anyway. I sent the Wright 3 because YOU, maybe (maybe maybe) said it was good. And two Araminta Spook books. Then Inkheart and Pride and Prejudice and finally! I pre-ordered The Murder of Bindy Mackenzie and Artemis Fowl: The Lost Colony because I got carried away.
I sort of feel like I'm showing off here. Sorry =/
Oh, I sound like a complete liar. It's not actually my birthday TODAY. It's later this month. But the point about it being my birthday still stands.
I did, actually, a couple of weeks ago. Even posted a link to it on my blog for good measure!
Yippee, more contests! I donated to Pass Christian - I'm on p. 38 of the "Share the Love" page.
Slightly o/t, but know what would be cool? Maybe you could organize a book swap among your readers - you know, in your "spare time." (ha) We could list books we enjoyed but don't love enough to keep, and trade around? I have really enjoyed the comments when you've asked for suggestions about books - lots of good stuff out there, and lots of good folks hanging out here.
I've donated a few times already, but I wanted to enter your contest with a new donation, so I just ordered Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl - the Definitive Edition and Suite Francaise by Irene Nemirovsky for the Margaret Sherry branch.
Heheh, Anna, you crack me up... almost as much as Sweetie Darling! "Spare time." Hee! I do like the idea of a book swap, though, and I've been meaning to write a post about the swap sites I've discovered in my online travels. You've planted a seed, SD...
And thanks for donating again, Michael. It's pretty addictive, isn't it?
Doh! I almost forgot my other reason for posting. I just got an email from Jenn. (Remember? The mother of two who was looking for book recommendations a while back?) Anyway, Blogger's word verification is STILL not letting her post on the site, but she wanted to let us know about her recent Dewey donation:
I sent three books to the Saucier Library - thank you for promoting such a great cause. Jenn
Thank YOU, Jenn!
I donated "Satanic Verses" because I liked the idea of donating a book that is often banned, and a book about Hurricane Camille (whether a story about the last hurricane to devastate the Mississippi coast is reassuring or depressing is open to interpretation). Also I donated two childrens books.
Yay, RandomRanter and LJ! Thanks so much. I love this book drive. It might not feel like such a big deal to give a book or two to a library, but when you think about the hundreds of people who'll get to enjoy that book, and the thousands of hours of pleasure it'll bring, you realize that books actually have a hug payoff.
And LJ, thanks so much for your kind words about my site. It really, really means a lot to me to hear it.
Er, that was "huge payoff" not "hug payoff." That 's probably the mushiest Freudian slip I've ever made. Heh.
Thanks so much for holding this contest!
I donated some children's books WAY back, in honor of my dad (Father's Day) and my mom (her birthday).
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