I've been on bit of a book-organizing bender lately, which is why, despite not normally being much of an impulse shopper, I had to order two sets of these bookends for Sam's room as soon as I saw them on Apartment Therapy this morning:
If you don't agree that they're ten different flavours of awesome, I don't want to know about it.
Those are great!
They are indeed awesome. . . for people whose shelves have room for a bookend. . .
Which mine do not and probably never will.
I hear you, Erin. My bookcases are the same way. So is Sam's, but we've just added some wall-mounted shelves to increase book storage in his room, and I just realized that I had no idea where to find cool bookends. I was panicking slightly until these came along.
(Yes, I panic over book organization. Also, my pregnancy-induced "nesting" instinct seems to only apply to books. Because newborns care about that kind of thing.)
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